Download Cordova for Mac: A Step-by-Step Guide to Create Cross-Platform Apps
Cordova command-line runs on Node.js and is available on NPM. Follow platform specific guides to install additional platform dependencies. Open a command prompt or Terminal, and type npm install -g cordova.
download cordova for mac
If the command line tools are already installed, a message will be shown in the terminal: xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed. Otherwise, a pop-up window will appear asking if you want to install the command line tools, click Yes and wait for these to download and install.
The convention for a Bundle ID is to use a reverse domain identifier, followed by the name of the app. For example, using a domain and an app name of Hello Cordova, the Bundle ID would be dev.tomspencer.hellocordova. If you own a domain, you can use the above convention, otherwise use a random string of alphanumeric characters.
Once you have chosen your Bundle ID, update it by editing the file config.xml in the project root directory. You are looking for the section that reads widget id="io.cordova.hellocordova" - change io.cordova.hellocordova to your new Bundle ID.
How to install cordova on mac using npm
Cordova mac app store download
Cordova mac os x platform guide
Download cordova for mac tutorial
Cordova mac xcode requirements
Cordova mac command line tools
Cordova mac create project
Cordova mac run app
Cordova mac open project in sdk
Cordova mac common problems
Cordova mac build location
Cordova mac deprecation warnings
Cordova mac missing headers
Cordova mac app icon
Cordova mac splash screen
Cordova mac plugins
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If you find issues with the Cordova CLI, please follow our guidelines for reporting issues. Please bear in mind that most of cordova-cli's functionality is implemented in cordova-lib, so that could be the place to report your issue.Platform-specific issues should be reported in the relevant repositories, such as cordova-android and cordova-ios.
I was facing similar problem. I already downloaded Android SDK as well as Android studio so there were two paths of Android Home. To run emulator and remove error of Android sdk root not set use below steps.
Install all necessary cordova plugins - the repository can be found at web address above: www.nmpjs.comYou can deploy apps to the iOS Simulator, but to deploy apps directly to phones you will need:
If using the cordova-plugin-file-transfer (which is also a dependency for cordova-plugin-file-downloader) plugin, be aware of the above whitelist issue in regards to the following issue.Cordova Android 10.0.0 not compiling - cannot find symbol "import org.apache.cordova.Whitelist;" Issue #306 apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer GitHub
For FirebaseX plugin - which you will most likely need. There is a POD fix that must be implemented or it will throw a build error.A. Add the firebasex plugin: ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebasex@latest-cliB Go to the folder: $PATH/appName/platforms/iosC. Update your PODS:pod repo updatepod installD. This is needed but will also introduce an issue related to this output message:target overrides the LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHSbuild setting Use the $(inherited) flag, or E. To resolve, follow these instructions: ios - - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or - Remove the build settings from the target. CocoaPod Swift3 pod update error - Stack OverflowF. Then repeat step #C again.
I took a look at the piece of code that actually checks for the version number of your java. Look for the following: module.exports.check_java in platforms/android/cordova/lib/check_reqs.js. on line 220. You will see a regex and comment left by the team that Java 10 will be supported in the future.
when i wrote where java in cmd it outputted C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_55 along side with java.exe path,i've changed the JAVA_HOME variable from environment variables to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20 & it worked, so it seems i had 2 jdk instances & cordova needs the v1.8.* one.
I gave up trying to set up Android JDK manually, I downloaded Android Studio and let it set everything up. After Android Studio was installed I found that ANDROID_HOME is not defined, so I opened /.bash_profile file and changed it:
Because of problems with configuring JDK I also gave up using cordova and switched to NativeScript which does not requiere JDK version 8. NativeScript miraculously picked up new system variables form bash_profile file. I still don't why without Android Studio I couldn't change the system environment variables.
Note that the current focus of this cordova platform is to provide kiosk-like applications for OSX, that usually run fullscreen and have little desktop interaction. So there is no direct support for menus, dock integration, finder integration, documents, etc. Think of it as a mobile app running on a very big screen.
The port mentioned above will be generated based on your app ID stored in the .meteor/.id file in your application. If you need to run multiple apps on the same device using the same source code, you should specify a different port for each running app, by using the --cordova-server-port option when running the Cordova run and build commands. Otherwise you will not be able to run multiple apps simultaneously on iOS. One common symptom of this problem is the error Failed binding IPv4 listening socket: Address already in use (48) in the XCode console.
After the download and installation completes, you will need to accept the license agreement. If you start Xcode for the first time, a dialog will pop up where you can read the license agreement and accept it. You can close Xcode directly afterwards.
The easiest way to get a working Android development environment is by installing Android Studio, which offers a setup wizard on first launch that installs the Android SDK for you, and downloads a default set of tools, platforms, and other components that you will need to start developing.
In order to avoid a situation where JavaScript code that relies on changed native code is pushed to a client, we calculate a compatibility version hash from the Cordova platform and plugin versions, and only download a new version to a device when there is an exact match. This means any change to the list of plugins, or updating to a Meteor release which contains a new platform version, will block hot code push to existing mobile clients until the app has been updated from the store.
Plugins are identified by a name, which is generally the same as their npm package name. The current convention is for plugin names to start with cordova-plugin-, but not all third-party plugins adhere to this.
The file serving mechanism used in Meteor allows for local file access through URLs of the form :/local-filesystem/) however. You can construct these file system URLs manually, or use WebAppLocalServer.localFileSystemUrl() to convert file:// URLs. You can use this to convert URLs received from plugins like cordova-plugin-file and cordova-plugin-camera for example.
There is a special top-level directory named cordova-build-override/ that allows you to override, in an ad-hoc way, parts of your Cordova project that Meteor generates for you in the .meteor/local/cordova-build directory. The entire file tree of this directory will be cp -R (copied overwriting existing files) to the Cordova project right before the build and compilation step.
Does this method still applicable on windows for VS2017?I have the latest versions of Node,npm, & cordova installed as described above. However, I cant get cordova ver anything above 6.3.0 inside vs2017.
In order to download Node.js, visit Installation on Windows and Mac OS is simple, as you just have to download and run the appropriate installer and follow the familiar instructions. If you have brew on your Mac, you can also install Node.js with brew install node
You can install the Cordova module by using the Node Package Manager(npm), utility of Node.js. This module will automatically be downloaded from the npm utility of Node.js.
This will download the plugin and install it in your app's project directory. There will be a new folder called inside your project's plugin directory. This folder contains: the source files for the plugin, an Example directory that has a sample web app you can use to receive ADM notifications on the client, and a Node.js script you can use to send notifications, simulating what a server would normally do.
Once you have your client app ready, use Cordova's command line to install the app on your test device (usually using the "cordova run" command). If you have set up everything correctly, the app will start, authenticate with the ADM Server and display the Registration ID unique to your device/app to be used by your notifications server.
For the past several years, HTML5 web app developers have been using the Apache Cordova project to create an incredible array of apps targeting native platforms. Many, such as the Wikipedia Foundation's mobile app, have had tens of millions of downloads across platforms. Cordova is the fundamental tool which enables developers to use open web technologies - HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript - to create both fundamental and innovative mobile apps. This is why Amazon supports the Cordova project and enables developers to target the Amazon Fire OS platform. We want to enable web developers to take advantage of the advanced capabilities of the Chromium-based Amazon WebView integrated into Kindle Fire tablets running Fire OS.
I called the app Simple Draw, and it's available on the Amazon Appstore right now, downloadable for free. If you have a Kindle Fire device, go grab the app and try it out. It's a very simple drawing app targeted at young children - you can draw with your finger in various neon colors, clear the screen, or save the drawing as an image, which you can view in your Photos and share with others.
This will create our new Cordova project directory, pre-fill it with the skeleton folders, and then add in the appropriate Fire OS support files (amazon-fireos). (The first time you run through this process, you'll be prompted to download the AWV SDK found here) Make sure you change the package name to be unique to you or your company, rather than com.example.html5 in the above example.