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Iview Media Pro Download 15

Iview Media Pro Download 15 =====

Images can be saved as an HTML (Web) gallery. The program creates an index page with thumbnail images and media pages for the full-sized images. You can adjust thumbnail and image sizes, bit depths, and JPEG quality.

The application comes with a 66-page user manual and an 18-page quick start guide. Both are available as PDF files in the downloaded version. The PDF user manual has bookmark links. Neither PDF manual has an index, and neither has links in the table of contents or within the documents. A printed copy of the user manual comes with the boxed (CD-ROM) version. The user manual adequately describes most features of iView MediaPro. Its AppleScript section is very skimpy, however.

Media Pro makes it possible to catalog and sort images and other media files. The user is able to organize and categorize without being limited to assets' actual folder locations, add metadata including IPTC annotations, and locate assets which may spread over multiple folder and drive locations, including offline discs. As well as cataloging, Media Pro can print (into formats like contact sheets and lists), build web galleries, convert to other formats and build slideshows.[5]

Although Media Pro is primarily used to catalog photographic images, it is capable of indexing and converting many additional classes of files. This includes the most popular formats of audio and video files, which can be organized, played in the catalog itself, and converted to derivative file types. This capability makes Media Pro useful for photographers and other media professionals who need to create, manage and make use of different media types.

The original predecessor of Phase One Media Pro is iView, a Macintosh-only shareware gallery application originally from Script Software,[7][8] a company that later changed its name to Plum Amazing. iView went through multiple updates and name changes,[9] being ported to Microsoft Windows,[10] and culminating in a version 3.0 release as iView MediaPro. On 27 June 2007, Microsoft acquired iView Multimedia.[11] Eventually[when], Microsoft released Microsoft Expression Media, which replaced iView MediaPro 3.[12]

I downloaded the photo and it is already in the right direction so no rotation is required.After download I put the file in iView Media Pro. There it shows OK. Subsequentloading in Photoshop Elements showed the same: right position.Why it is rotated here in Wiki I don't know. --Wouter 15:37, 30 May 2007 (UTC)Just doing the lossless rotation gives the right position in Wiki Commons --Wouter 16:53, 30 May 2007 (UTC)

Sometimes you need a second opinion. In the midst of our review of MediaPro, iView Multimedia's asset manager (and a little bit more), we asked our better half Joyce to take a look at a catalog of over 12,200 images we've collected since 1993 in PhotoCD and JPEG formats.

Based in London, iView Multimedia ( was founded in 1996 by Yan Calotychos. He developed the software to manage the scan, translation subtitles and voice recordings he juggled in his day job producing multimedia CD-ROMs (remember those).

In addition to its $199 MediaPro and free Catalog Reader, the company also offers the capable $49.99 Media asset manager, limited to formats other than Raw and catalogs to 8,000 entries. See for a comparison with Media Pro.

We have developed iview, an easy-to-use interactive WebGL visualizer of protein-ligand complex. It exploits hardware acceleration rather than software rendering. It features three special effects in virtual reality settings, namely anaglyph, parallax barrier and oculus rift, resulting in visually appealing identification of intermolecular interactions. It supports four surface representations including Van der Waals surface, solvent excluded surface, solvent accessible surface and molecular surface. Moreover, based on the feature-rich version of iview, we have also developed a neat and tailor-made version specifically for our istar web platform for protein-ligand docking purpose. This demonstrates the excellent portability of iview.

To address the above obstacles, we have developed iview, an interactive WebGL visualizer of protein-ligand complex, featuring three special effects in virtual reality settings and four surface representations (Table 1). Furthermore, we show that iview can be easily modified to adapt to different applications. As an application example, we have recently developed a web platform called istar [15] to automate large-scale protein-ligand docking using our idock [5]. Refactored from the feature-rich version of iview, we have also developed tailor-made version specifically for visualizing docking input data and output results of user-submitted jobs.

iview is refactored from GLmol 0.47, using three.js as its primary 3D engine with antialiasing support. It is based on WebGL canvas and can be easily integrated into existing HTML5 web pages to display molecular models without requiring Java or browser plugins. It loads a protein-ligand structure from the PDB (Protein Data Bank) [16] as its data source via a RESTful interface. It renders four standard representations of primary structure, namely line, stick, ball & stick and sphere, and five standard representations of secondary structure, namely ribbon, strand, cylinder & plate, C alpha trace and B factor tube. It colors the structure by either atom spectrum, protein chain, protein secondary structure, B factor, residue name, residue polarity, or atom type, by setting the vertex colors of the geometry object of the corresponding representation. It supports user interactions including rotation, translation, zooming and slab with mouse or hand touch manipulation. It provides both perspective and orthographic cameras, and anaglyph, parallax barrier and oculus rift effects from three.js examples for use in a virtual reality environment.

We have ported EDTSurf [11, 12], an fast algorithm to generating triangulated macromolecular surfaces by Euclidean distance transform, to JavaScript and integrated it into iview to construct and render in real time four representations of protein surface, namely Van der Waals surface, solvent excluded surface, solvent accessible surface and molecular surface, with opacity and wireframe adjustable by users. Note that molecular surface is in fact solvent excluded surface, but EDTSurf uses different ways to derive them. We therefore provide them both as two different surface representations in iview. Although the JavaScript implementation of the EDTSurf algorithm typically consumes a few seconds and 500MB to 700MB memory for computation, it is sufficiently efficient for practical applications. To limit CPU and memory usage, the calculation grid size is restricted to 180180180.

It is worthwhile to highlight that iview performs all parsing and rendering in the client browser, without any dependency on server side at all, ensuring the data privacy is maintained. This is unlike ChemDoodle Web Components, some of whose functions send data to a dedicated server for processing and wait for retrieval of results.

iview rendering of the CCR5 chemokine receptor-HIV entry inhibitor maraviroc complex [17] (PDB code: 4MBS). The secondary structure of human CCR5 is rendered as ribbon. The marketed HIV drug maraviroc is rendered as sphere. This figure can be reproduced at

iview rendering of the CCR5 chemokine receptor-HIV entry inhibitor maraviroc complex [17] (PDB code: 4MBS), with protein surface enabled. The human CCR5 is rendered as molecular surface colored by chain. The marketed HIV drug maraviroc is rendered as stick colored by chain. It can be clearly seen that the crystal structure consists of two complexes, and the CCR5 forms a deep allosteric cavity where maraviroc is buried. This figure can be reproduced at

We have successfully tested iview in Chrome 30, Firefox 25, Safari 6.1 and Opera 17. Support for IE 11 is experimental because gl_FrontFacing is unsupported in IE 11. Refer to , for compatibility of WebGL support in desktop and mobile browsers.

Tailor-made version of iview specifically for visualizing docking results of user-submitted jobs. It displays the user-supplied search space in the form of a cubic box so that the binding site is visually depicted. It displays the top hit ligand IDs in a horizontally scrollable row and provides a straightforward way to switch ligands easily. It lists the docking result files, predicted binding affinity values, molecular properties, compound suppliers and annotations, and putative hydrogen bonds, in order to give users a quick overview of the top hit ligands, and assist them in making decisions of which compounds to purchase for subsequent wet-lab experiments. This figure can be reproduced at

We have designed and developed iview to be a simple and straightforward way to visualize protein-ligand complex. It enables non-experts to quickly elucidate protein-ligand interactions in a 3D manner. Furthermore, iview is free and open source, and can be easily integrated into any bioinformatics application that requires interactive protein-ligand visualization.

Additional file 2: iview rendering of the CCR5 chemokine receptor-HIV entry inhibitor maraviroc complex [17] (PDB code: 4MBS), with parallax barrier effect enabled. A parallax barrier is a device placed in front of a LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) to permit a stereoscopic or multiscopic image without 3D glasses. The device is composed of a layer of material with precision slits, enabling each eye to see a different set of pixels and thus creating a sense of depth through parallax. (PNG 771 KB)

Additional file 3: iview rendering of the CCR5 chemokine receptor-HIV entry inhibitor maraviroc complex [17] (PDB code: 4MBS), with oculus rift effect enabled. The Oculus Rift is a virtual reality head-mounted device, which features a high-speed inertial measurement unit and a LCD display, visible via dual lenses positioned over the eyes to provide a 90 degrees horizontal and 110 degrees vertical stereoscopic 3D perspective. (PNG 453 KB) 153554b96e


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